Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hari Raya Aidil Fitiri
Hari Raya is celebrated by Muslims worldwide to mark the 1st day of Syawal which is the 10th month of the Muslim calendar. It marks the end of the fasting month which is called Ramadhan. During Ramadhan, from dawn to dusk, Muslims do not consume any food, drink, or do sexual acts and refrain from any deeds that are deemed to be minor or major wrongdoings in the teachings of Islam. In the month of Ramadhan and before Hari Raya prayers it is compulsory for every Muslim to pay personal tithe (zakat fitrah) which is about 2.3kg of rice or staple food for the Muslim individual. The amount collected will be distributed among 8 categories of deserving people.
The last day of Ramadhan is determined by looking at the new moon at about dusk on the 29th day of Ramadhan. When the moon for the new month is seen, it will indicate the 1st of Syawal and means Hari Raya will start the next day. If it is not seen than the following day will be 1st day of Syawal. Another way to determine the 1st day of Syawal is to do by calculations (astronomy). The Muslim calendar month usually consist of 29 or 30 days.
Celebrating Hari Raya is usually a family affair where all members of the family gather together. Family members from out of town always return to their hometown, popularly known as “balik kampong”. This mass exodus from major towns always creates traffic jams on the roads. Sadly, many accidents also happen during this period and sometimes resulted in death.
This 1st day of Syawal usually starts very early at dawn with visits to the cemetery to pay respects and prayers to the ancestors or family members that are deceased. After cleaning themselves, Muslims perform Hari Raya prayers to pronounce their Thanksgivings to ALLAH. After this prayer session, a forgiveness seeking ceremony between the family members are held. It is usually started with the eldest son or daughter and followed by the younger members of the family seeking forgiveness from the parents for their wrong words or actions and seeking to “halalkan” food, drinks or items received.
Meals are also prepared to enhance the occasion. Foods that are usually prepared are ketupat, lemang, rendang, lodeh and many others. Neighbors usually send out food that had been prepared to each other. This practice is done in the hope to enhance the closeness among the community. Morning meals are eaten after the forgiveness seeking ceremony where the whole family and extended family come together. Cakes and cookies are never left out too. Examples of traditional cakes and cookies are dodol, kueh bangkit and kueh suji. Some states in Malaysia might have same kind of food for Hari Raya, while other states might have different ones.
In the Muslim teachings, it is also encouraged to carry out 6 days of fasting in the month of Syawal. This is to make the fasting month of Ramadhan complete. These 6 days of fasting can only be carried out after the 1st day of Syawal.
Hari Raya is also celebrated by visiting relatives and friends. The idea is to meet and greet relatives and to ensure that the relationship is always good and the people do not forget each other. It is also a good time to update on new things that might have happen that they are not aware of. Usually “open house” is organized for Hari Raya. During these events many people can mingle and meet each other while enjoying the atmosphere and the food. Small kids should enjoy Hari Raya more because they can get food, drinks and also “duit raya” (like angpow) when they go visiting.
I’m very glad that I can celebrate Hari Raya because it is the time that I can spend with friends and relatives that I might have not met for some time.
Wishing all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya and Ma’af Zahir dan Bathin.

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